A battle droid (also referred to as war droid, killer droid or clanker) was any droid designed for combat.

There were numerous types of battle droids. They predated the Galactic Republic by thousands of years, with the earliest known being Rakatan ancient droids and the war-robots used by Xim the Despot.

Many of the best known battle droids were those used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

By the time of the Battle of Yavin, however, battle droids were extremely rare, most likely due to the Clone Wars, or because the Empire didn't want an army that could be easily built and used against it.



Types of battle droids

Infinite Empire

Hutt Empire

Xim the Despot's empire

First Sith Empire



Galactic Republic

Sith Empire

Confederacy of Independent Systems

B1 battle droid

Chirq Council

IG-88's Droid Army

Zann Consortium

Galactic Empire/Imperial Remnant

The three phases of dark troopers.


New Republic/Galactic Federation of Free Alliances